Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Take Your Time.....

This morning, as most mornings go - it seems like a rat race from the time we get up until the time we go to bed.  You typically see the hurried behaviors in peoples driving, you have a destination to get to and someone is driving less than the posted speed.  You go to the store and there is inevitably a slow clerk.  It follows you wherever you go.

 Sometimes I find that I feel the need to "rush", even when I have no time constraints.  It has become a natural part of life and the simple way of the world.When I am not in a hurry or rushing through my day, I find that I get very irritated at those who are because I feel like they are rushing me.  Why must we be this way?  Why is it that we feel the need to accomplish so much in a day that we make ourselves crazy? 

The best time for me is when I am out and about behind the lens.  I slow down completely, it puts me in a serene and peaceful state of mind.  I allow myself to be vulnerable to what is around me.  My eyes see things that I would normally pass by.  I have a bigger sense of picking things out of the big picture and focusing on details.  It makes me feel that I have a great calmness.

Even if it is just for today, attempt slowing down, achieve the peaceful state of mind, notice the little things and see if it makes a difference in your life.  Take your time!


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