Sunday, November 10, 2013


It is a very big word and for a long time, I am not sure I really knew what it meant to be truly grateful.  Since this is the time of year that we often think of "giving thanks", I thought it would be a good topic.

I practice each day to have gratitude for 5 things in my life.  It can be simple or complex and I often mix the two.  I learned this practice at a very important time in my life and I recently began doing it again.

I feel that with the hustle of the daily grind, busy life and hectic schedules, it is easy to just forget to have gratitude.  I find that often some are ungrateful and find there is nothing to be grateful for.   A wise man once told me if you can feel your heart have something to be grateful for.

 I began this blog because Motherhood often Overloaded me Much of the time.  (M.O.M.) I am not saying that I don't still become "overloaded". But, I am grateful to have my daughters in my life and to truly be present for their growing up.  I feel that children are gifts that are only from God and that I wouldn't have been picked to be their Mom, if I wasn't worthy of their goodness.

My Mother told me things about Motherhood that made no sense at all until I had my children and by then she had left this world.  Her words were wise and ring true in every sense.  One of those things she told me were that "children teach you how to truly love".  For this I am grateful.  I feel that "true love" today and there is no other way to feel it, than to be a MOM. 
To all you Mother's out  are loved!
